Working with Ontologies

To get started with Structured Machine Learning, the first thing required is an Ontology with Named Individuals. We cannot provide such ontologies for you and depending on the use case, it may be necessary to first map existing data into an ontology.

However, a sample ontology is included with OWL-APy so that you can start using it right away. It is contained in the KGs/father.owl file. It contains six persons (individuals), of which four are male and two are female. We will use this tiny ontology in the following example.

Loading an Ontology

To load an ontology, use the following Python code:

from owlapy import IRI
from owlapy.owlready2 import OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2

mgr = OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2()
onto = mgr.load_ontology(IRI.create("file://KGs/father.owl"))

First, we import the IRI class and a suitable OWLOntologyManager. To load a file from our computer, we have to reference it with an IRI. Secondly, we need an Ontology Manager, which is a component that can manage ontologies for us. Currently, OWL-APy contains one such manager: The OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2.

Now, we can already inspect the contents of the ontology. For example, to list all individuals:

for ind in onto.individuals_in_signature():

Refer to the OWLOntology documentation for more details.

Attaching a reasoner

In order to validate facts about statements in the ontology (and thus also for the Structured Machine Learning task), the help of a reasoner component is required.

In our OWL-APy library, we provide several reasoners to choose from. Currently, there are the the fast instance checker, the structural Owlready2 reasoner, and the class instantiation Owlready2 reasoner available to choose from.

To load any reasoner, follow this Python code:

from owlapy.owlready2 import OWLReasoner_Owlready2
from owlapy.owlready2.temp_classes import OWLReasoner_Owlready2_TempClasses
from owlapy.fast_instance_checker import OWLReasoner_FastInstanceChecker

structural_reasoner = OWLReasoner_Owlready2(onto)
temp_classes_reasoner = OWLReasoner_Owlready2_TempClasses(onto)
fast_instance_checker = OWLReasoner_FastInstanceChecker(onto, temp_classes_reasoner)

The reasoner takes as its first argument the ontology to load. The fast instance checker requires a base reasoner to which any reasoning tasks not covered by the fast instance checking code are deferred to.