
Since OWL-APy is a Python library, you will need to have Python on your system. Python comes in various versions and with different, sometimes conflicting dependencies. Hence, most guides will recommend to set up a “virtual environment” to work in.

One such system for virtual python environments is Anaconda. You can download miniconda from

We have good experience with it and make use of conda in the Installation from source step.

Installation from source

To download the OWL-APy source code, you will also need to have a copy of the Git version control system.

Once you have conda and git installed, the following commands should be typed in your shell in order to download the OWL-APy development sources, install the dependencies listened in the environment.yml into a conda environment and create the necessary installation links to get started with the library.

  • Download (clone) the source code

    git clone
    cd owlapy
  • Load the dependencies into a new conda environment called “temp” (you can name it however you like)

    conda create --name temp python=3.8
    conda activate temp
    conda env update --name temp
  • Install the development links so that Python will find the library

    python -c 'from setuptools import setup; setup()' develop 
  • Instead of the previous step there is also Possibility B, which is valid temporarily only in your current shell:

    export PYTHONPATH=$PWD

Now you are ready to develop on OWL-APy or use the library!

Verify installation

To test if the installation was successful, you can try this command: It will only try to load the main library file into Python:

python -c "import owlapy"


In order to run our test suite, type:


You can also run the tests directly using:


Installation via pip

Released versions of OWL-APy can also be installed using pip, the Package Installer for Python. It comes as part of Python. Please research externally (or use above conda create command) on how to create virtual environments for Python programs.

pip install owlapy

This will download and install the latest release version of OWL-APy and all its dependencies from

Building (sdist and bdist_wheel)

In order to create a distribution of the OWL-APy source code, typically when creating a new release, it is necessary to use the build tool. It can be invoked with:

tox -e build

from the main source code folder. Packages created by build can then be uploaded as releases to the Python Package Index (PyPI) using twine.

Building the docs

The documentation can be built with

tox -e docs

It is also possible to create a PDF manual, but that requires LaTeX to be installed:

tox -e docs latexpdf


Feel free to create a pull request.


For any further questions, please open an issue on our GitHub issues page.