Source code for owlapy.model

"""The OWL-APy Model class and method names should match those of OWL API [1]

If OWL API has streaming and getter API, it is enough to provide the streaming API only.

many help texts copied from OWL API


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import total_ordering
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Generic, Iterable, Sequence, Set, TypeVar, Union, Final, Optional, Protocol, ClassVar, List
from pandas import Timedelta
from datetime import datetime, date

from owlapy.vocab import OWLRDFVocabulary, XSDVocabulary, OWLFacet
from owlapy._utils import MOVE
from owlapy.model._base import OWLObject, OWLAnnotationObject, OWLAnnotationSubject, OWLAnnotationValue
from owlapy.model._iri import HasIRI, IRI

MOVE(OWLObject, OWLAnnotationObject, OWLAnnotationSubject, OWLAnnotationValue, HasIRI, IRI)

_T = TypeVar('_T')  #:
_C = TypeVar('_C', bound='OWLObject')  #:
_P = TypeVar('_P', bound='OWLPropertyExpression')  #:
_R = TypeVar('_R', bound='OWLPropertyRange')  #:
Literals = Union['OWLLiteral', int, float, bool, Timedelta, datetime, date, str]  #:

[docs]class HasIndex(Protocol): """Interface for types with an index; this is used to group objects by type when sorting.""" type_index: ClassVar[int] #: index for this type. This is a sorting index for the types. def __eq__(self, other): ...
[docs]class HasOperands(Generic[_T], metaclass=ABCMeta): """An interface to objects that have a collection of operands. Args: _T: operand type """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def operands(self) -> Iterable[_T]: """Gets the operands - e.g., the individuals in a sameAs axiom, or the classes in an equivalent classes axiom. Returns: The operands. """ pass
[docs]class OWLPropertyRange(OWLObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): """OWL Objects that can be the ranges of properties"""
[docs]class OWLDataRange(OWLPropertyRange, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a DataRange in the OWL 2 Specification"""
[docs]class OWLClassExpression(OWLPropertyRange): """An OWL 2 Class Expression""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_owl_thing(self) -> bool: """Determines if this expression is the built in class owl:Thing. This method does not determine if the class is equivalent to owl:Thing. Returns: :True if this expression is owl:Thing """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_owl_nothing(self) -> bool: """Determines if this expression is the built in class owl:Nothing. This method does not determine if the class is equivalent to owl:Nothing. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_object_complement_of(self) -> 'OWLObjectComplementOf': """Gets the object complement of this class expression Returns: A class expression that is the complement of this class expression. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_nnf(self) -> 'OWLClassExpression': """Gets the negation normal form of the complement of this expression. Returns: A expression that represents the NNF of the complement of this expression. """ pass
[docs]class OWLAnonymousClassExpression(OWLClassExpression, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A Class Expression which is not a named Class"""
[docs] def is_owl_nothing(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return False
[docs] def is_owl_thing(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return False
[docs] def get_object_complement_of(self) -> 'OWLObjectComplementOf': # documented in parent return OWLObjectComplementOf(self)
[docs] def get_nnf(self) -> 'OWLClassExpression': # documented in parent from owlapy.util import NNF return NNF().get_class_nnf(self)
[docs]class OWLBooleanClassExpression(OWLAnonymousClassExpression, metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = () pass
[docs]class OWLObjectComplementOf(OWLBooleanClassExpression, HasOperands[OWLClassExpression]): """Represents an ObjectComplementOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_operand' type_index: Final = 3003 _operand: OWLClassExpression def __init__(self, op: OWLClassExpression): """ Args: op: class expression to complement """ self._operand = op
[docs] def get_operand(self) -> OWLClassExpression: """ Returns: the wrapped expression """ return self._operand
[docs] def operands(self) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: # documented in parent yield self._operand
def __repr__(self): return f"OWLObjectComplementOf({repr(self._operand)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._operand == other._operand return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._operand)
[docs]class OWLNamedObject(OWLObject, HasIRI, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a named object for example, class, property, ontology etc. - i.e. anything that has an IRI as its name.""" __slots__ = () _iri: IRI def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._iri == other._iri return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._iri.as_str() < other._iri.as_str() return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._iri) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._iri)})" pass
[docs]class OWLEntity(OWLNamedObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents Entities in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def to_string_id(self) -> str: return self.get_iri().as_str()
[docs] def is_anonymous(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]class OWLClass(OWLClassExpression, OWLEntity): """An OWL 2 named Class""" __slots__ = '_iri', '_is_nothing', '_is_thing' type_index: Final = 1001 _iri: IRI _is_nothing: bool _is_thing: bool def __init__(self, iri: IRI): """Gets an instance of OWLClass that has the specified IRI. Args: iri: The IRI. """ self._is_nothing = iri.is_nothing() self._is_thing = iri.is_thing() self._iri = iri
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> IRI: # documented in parent return self._iri
[docs] def is_owl_thing(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return self._is_thing
[docs] def is_owl_nothing(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return self._is_nothing
[docs] def get_object_complement_of(self) -> OWLObjectComplementOf: # documented in parent return OWLObjectComplementOf(self)
[docs] def get_nnf(self) -> 'OWLClass': # documented in parent return self
[docs]class OWLPropertyExpression(OWLObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a property or possibly the inverse of a property.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def is_data_property_expression(self) -> bool: """ Returns: True if this is a data property """ return False
[docs] def is_object_property_expression(self) -> bool: """ Returns: True if this is an object property """ return False
[docs] def is_owl_top_object_property(self) -> bool: """Determines if this is the owl:topObjectProperty. Returns: :True if this property is the owl:topObjectProperty """ return False
[docs] def is_owl_top_data_property(self) -> bool: """Determines if this is the owl:topDataProperty. Returns: :True if this property is the owl:topDataProperty """ return False
[docs]class OWLRestriction(OWLAnonymousClassExpression): """Represents a Object Property Restriction or Data Property Restriction in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_property(self) -> OWLPropertyExpression: """ Returns: property being restricted """ pass
[docs] def is_data_restriction(self) -> bool: """Determines if this is a data restriction Returns: True if this is a data restriction """ return False
[docs] def is_object_restriction(self) -> bool: """Determines if this is an object restriction Returns: True if this is an object restriction """ return False
[docs]class OWLObjectPropertyExpression(OWLPropertyExpression): __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_inverse_property(self) -> 'OWLObjectPropertyExpression': """Obtains the property that corresponds to the inverse of this property. Returns: The inverse of this property. Note that this property will not necessarily be in the simplest form. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_named_property(self) -> 'OWLObjectProperty': """Get the named object property used in this property expression. Returns: P if this expression is either inv(P) or P. """ pass
[docs] def is_object_property_expression(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return True
[docs]class OWLDataPropertyExpression(OWLPropertyExpression, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A high level interface to describe different types of data properties.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def is_data_property_expression(self): # documented in parent return True
[docs]class OWLProperty(OWLPropertyExpression, OWLEntity, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A marker interface for properties that aren't expression i.e. named properties. By definition, properties are either data properties or object properties.""" __slots__ = () pass
[docs]class OWLDataProperty(OWLDataPropertyExpression, OWLProperty): """Represents a Data Property in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_iri' type_index: Final = 1004 _iri: IRI def __init__(self, iri: IRI): """Gets an instance of OWLDataProperty that has the specified IRI. Args: iri: The IRI. """ self._iri = iri
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> IRI: # documented in parent return self._iri
[docs] def is_owl_top_data_property(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return self.get_iri() == OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_TOP_DATA_PROPERTY.get_iri()
[docs]class OWLObjectProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression, OWLProperty): """Represents an Object Property in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_iri' type_index: Final = 1002 _iri: IRI
[docs] def get_named_property(self) -> 'OWLObjectProperty': # documented in parent return self
def __init__(self, iri: IRI): """Gets an instance of OWLObjectProperty that has the specified IRI. Args: iri: The IRI. """ self._iri = iri
[docs] def get_inverse_property(self) -> 'OWLObjectInverseOf': # documented in parent return OWLObjectInverseOf(self)
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> IRI: # documented in parent return self._iri
[docs] def is_owl_top_object_property(self) -> bool: # documented in parent from owlapy.vocab import OWL_TOP_OBJECT_PROPERTY return self.get_iri() == OWL_TOP_OBJECT_PROPERTY.get_iri()
[docs]class OWLObjectInverseOf(OWLObjectPropertyExpression): """Represents the inverse of a property expression (ObjectInverseOf). This can be used to refer to the inverse of a property, without actually naming the property. For example, consider the property hasPart, the inverse property of hasPart (isPartOf) can be referred to using this interface inverseOf(hasPart), which can be used in restrictions e.g. inverseOf(hasPart) some Car refers to the set of things that are part of at least one car.""" __slots__ = '_inverse_property' type_index: Final = 1003 _inverse_property: OWLObjectProperty def __init__(self, property: OWLObjectProperty): """Gets the inverse of an object property. Args: property: The property of which the inverse will be returned """ self._inverse_property = property
[docs] def get_inverse(self) -> OWLObjectProperty: """Gets the property expression that this is the inverse of. Returns: The object property expression such that this object property expression is an inverse of it. """ return self._inverse_property
[docs] def get_inverse_property(self) -> OWLObjectProperty: # documented in parent return self.get_inverse()
[docs] def get_named_property(self) -> OWLObjectProperty: # documented in parent return self._inverse_property
def __repr__(self): return f"OWLObjectInverseOf({repr(self._inverse_property)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._inverse_property == other._inverse_property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._inverse_property)
[docs]class OWLDataRestriction(OWLRestriction, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a Data Property Restriction in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def is_data_restriction(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return True
[docs]class OWLObjectRestriction(OWLRestriction, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a Object Property Restriction in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def is_object_restriction(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: # documented in parent pass
[docs]class HasFiller(Generic[_T], metaclass=ABCMeta): """An interface to objects that have a filler. Args: _T: filler type """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_filler(self) -> _T: """Gets the filler for this restriction. In the case of an object restriction this will be an individual, in the case of a data restriction this will be a constant (data value). For quantified restriction this will be a class expression or a data range. Returns: the value """ pass
[docs]class OWLHasValueRestriction(Generic[_T], OWLRestriction, HasFiller[_T], metaclass=ABCMeta): """OWLHasValueRestriction. Args: _T: the value type """ __slots__ = () _v: _T def __init__(self, value: _T): self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v)
[docs] def get_filler(self) -> _T: # documented in parent return self._v
[docs]class OWLQuantifiedRestriction(Generic[_T], OWLRestriction, HasFiller[_T], metaclass=ABCMeta): """A quantified restriction. Args: _T: value type """ __slots__ = () pass
[docs]class OWLQuantifiedObjectRestriction(OWLQuantifiedRestriction[OWLClassExpression], OWLObjectRestriction, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A quantified object restriction.""" __slots__ = () _filler: OWLClassExpression def __init__(self, filler: OWLClassExpression): self._filler = filler
[docs] def get_filler(self) -> OWLClassExpression: # documented in parent (HasFiller) return self._filler
[docs]class OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(OWLQuantifiedObjectRestriction): """Represents an ObjectSomeValuesFrom class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property', '_filler' type_index: Final = 3005 def __init__(self, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, filler: OWLClassExpression): """Gets an OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom restriction Args: property: The object property that the restriction acts along. filler: The class expression that is the filler. Returns: An OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom restriction along the specified property with the specified filler """ super().__init__(filler) self._property = property def __repr__(self): return f"OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(property={repr(self._property)},filler={repr(self._filler)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._filler == other._filler and self._property == other._property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._filler, self._property))
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
[docs]class OWLObjectAllValuesFrom(OWLQuantifiedObjectRestriction): """Represents an ObjectAllValuesFrom class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property', '_filler' type_index: Final = 3006 def __init__(self, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, filler: OWLClassExpression): super().__init__(filler) self._property = property def __repr__(self): return f"OWLObjectAllValuesFrom(property={repr(self._property)},filler={repr(self._filler)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._filler == other._filler and self._property == other._property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._filler, self._property))
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
[docs]class OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression(OWLBooleanClassExpression, HasOperands[OWLClassExpression]): """OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression.""" __slots__ = () _operands: Sequence[OWLClassExpression] def __init__(self, operands: Iterable[OWLClassExpression]): """ Args: operands: class expressions """ self._operands = tuple(operands)
[docs] def operands(self) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: # documented in parent yield from self._operands
def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._operands)})' def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._operands == other._operands return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._operands)
[docs]class OWLObjectUnionOf(OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression): """Represents an ObjectUnionOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_operands' type_index: Final = 3002 _operands: Sequence[OWLClassExpression]
[docs]class OWLObjectIntersectionOf(OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression): """Represents an OWLObjectIntersectionOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_operands' type_index: Final = 3001 _operands: Sequence[OWLClassExpression]
[docs]class HasCardinality(metaclass=ABCMeta): """An interface to objects that have a cardinality.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_cardinality(self) -> int: """Gets the cardinality of a restriction. Returns: The cardinality. A non-negative integer. """ pass
_F = TypeVar('_F', bound=OWLPropertyRange) #:
[docs]class OWLCardinalityRestriction(Generic[_F], OWLQuantifiedRestriction[_F], HasCardinality, metaclass=ABCMeta): """. Args: _F: type of filler """ __slots__ = () _cardinality: int _filler: _F def __init__(self, cardinality: int, filler: _F): self._cardinality = cardinality self._filler = filler
[docs] def get_cardinality(self) -> int: # documented in parent return self._cardinality
[docs] def get_filler(self) -> _F: # documented in parent return self._filler
[docs]class OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction(OWLCardinalityRestriction[OWLClassExpression], OWLQuantifiedObjectRestriction): __slots__ = () _property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression @abstractmethod def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, filler: OWLClassExpression): super().__init__(cardinality, filler) self._property = property
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(" \ f"property={repr(self.get_property())},{self.get_cardinality()},filler={repr(self.get_filler())})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._property == other._property \ and self._cardinality == other._cardinality \ and self._filler == other._filler return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._cardinality, self._filler))
[docs]class OWLObjectMinCardinality(OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction): """Represents a ObjectMinCardinality restriction in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_cardinality', '_filler', '_property' type_index: Final = 3008 def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, filler: OWLClassExpression): """ Args: cardinality: Cannot be negative. property: The property that the restriction acts along. filler: class expression for restriction Returns: an ObjectMinCardinality on the specified property """ super().__init__(cardinality, property, filler)
[docs]class OWLObjectMaxCardinality(OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction): """Represents a ObjectMaxCardinality restriction in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_cardinality', '_filler', '_property' type_index: Final = 3010 def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, filler: OWLClassExpression): """ Args: cardinality: Cannot be negative. property: The property that the restriction acts along. filler: class expression for restriction Returns: an ObjectMaxCardinality on the specified property """ super().__init__(cardinality, property, filler)
[docs]class OWLObjectExactCardinality(OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction): """Represents an ObjectExactCardinality restriction in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_cardinality', '_filler', '_property' type_index: Final = 3009 def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, filler: OWLClassExpression): """ Args: cardinality: Cannot be negative. property: The property that the restriction acts along. filler: class expression for restriction Returns: an ObjectExactCardinality on the specified property """ super().__init__(cardinality, property, filler)
[docs] def as_intersection_of_min_max(self) -> OWLObjectIntersectionOf: """Obtains an equivalent form that is a conjunction of a min cardinality and max cardinality restriction. Returns: The semantically equivalent but structurally simpler form (= 1 R C) = >= 1 R C and <= 1 R C """ args = self.get_cardinality(), self.get_property(), self.get_filler() return OWLObjectIntersectionOf((OWLObjectMinCardinality(*args), OWLObjectMaxCardinality(*args)))
[docs]class OWLObjectHasSelf(OWLObjectRestriction): """Represents an ObjectHasSelf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property' type_index: Final = 3011 _property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression def __init__(self, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression): """Object has self restriction Args: property: The property that the restriction acts along. Returns: a ObjectHasSelf class expression on the specified property """ self._property = property
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._property == other._property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._property) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLObjectHasSelf({self._property})'
[docs]class OWLIndividual(OWLObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a named or anonymous individual.""" __slots__ = () pass
[docs]class OWLObjectHasValue(OWLHasValueRestriction[OWLIndividual], OWLObjectRestriction): """Represents an ObjectHasValue class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property', '_v' type_index: Final = 3007 _property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression _v: OWLIndividual def __init__(self, property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, individual: OWLIndividual): """ Args: property: The property that the restriction acts along. individual: individual for restriction Returns: a HasValue restriction with specified property and value """ super().__init__(individual) self._property = property
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
[docs] def as_some_values_from(self) -> OWLClassExpression: """A convenience method that obtains this restriction as an existential restriction with a nominal filler. Returns: The existential equivalent of this value restriction. simp(HasValue(p a)) = some(p {a}) """ return OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(self.get_property(), OWLObjectOneOf(self.get_filler()))
def __repr__(self): return f'OWLObjectHasValue(property={self.get_property()}, individual={self._v})'
[docs]class OWLObjectOneOf(OWLAnonymousClassExpression, HasOperands[OWLIndividual]): """Represents an ObjectOneOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_values' type_index: Final = 3004 def __init__(self, values: Union[OWLIndividual, Iterable[OWLIndividual]]): if isinstance(values, OWLIndividual): self._values = values, else: for _ in values: assert isinstance(_, OWLIndividual) self._values = tuple(values)
[docs] def individuals(self) -> Iterable[OWLIndividual]: """Gets the individuals that are in the oneOf. These individuals represent the exact instances (extension) of this class expression. Returns: The individuals that are the values of this {@code ObjectOneOf} class expression. """ yield from self._values
[docs] def operands(self) -> Iterable[OWLIndividual]: # documented in parent yield from self.individuals()
[docs] def as_object_union_of(self) -> OWLClassExpression: """Simplifies this enumeration to a union of singleton nominals. Returns: This enumeration in a more standard DL form. simp({a}) = {a} simp({a0, ... , {an}) = unionOf({a0}, ... , {an}) """ if len(self._values) == 1: return self return OWLObjectUnionOf(map(lambda _: OWLObjectOneOf(_), self.individuals()))
def __hash__(self): return hash(self._values) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._values == other._values return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): return f'OWLObjectOneOf({self._values})'
[docs]class OWLNamedIndividual(OWLIndividual, OWLEntity): """Represents a Named Individual in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_iri' type_index: Final = 1005 _iri: IRI def __init__(self, iri: IRI): """Gets an instance of OWLNamedIndividual that has the specified IRI. Args: iri: The IRI. Returns: An OWLNamedIndividual that has the specified IRI. """ self._iri = iri
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> IRI: # documented in parent return self._iri
_M = TypeVar('_M', bound='OWLOntologyManager') #:
[docs]class OWLOntologyID: """An object that identifies an ontology. Since OWL 2, ontologies do not have to have an ontology IRI, or if they have an ontology IRI then they can optionally also have a version IRI. Instances of this OWLOntologyID class bundle identifying information of an ontology together. If an ontology doesn't have an ontology IRI then we say that it is "anonymous". """ __slots__ = '_ontology_iri', '_version_iri' _ontology_iri: Optional[IRI] _version_iri: Optional[IRI] def __init__(self, ontology_iri: Optional[IRI] = None, version_iri: Optional[IRI] = None): """Constructs an ontology identifier specifying the ontology IRI and version IRI. Args: ontology_iri: The ontology IRI (optional) version_iri: The version IRI (must be None if no ontology_iri is provided) """ self._ontology_iri = ontology_iri self._version_iri = version_iri
[docs] def get_ontology_iri(self) -> Optional[IRI]: """Gets the ontology IRI. Returns: Ontology IRI. If the ontology is anonymous, it will return None """ return self._ontology_iri
[docs] def get_version_iri(self) -> Optional[IRI]: """Gets the version IRI. Returns: Version IRI or None """ return self._version_iri
[docs] def get_default_document_iri(self) -> Optional[IRI]: """Gets the IRI which is used as a default for the document that contain a representation of an ontology with this ID. This will be the version IRI if there is an ontology IRI and version IRI, else it will be the ontology IRI if there is an ontology IRI but no version IRI, else it will be None if there is no ontology IRI. See Ontology Documents in the OWL 2 Structural Specification. Returns: the IRI that can be used as a default for an ontology document, or None. """ if self._ontology_iri is not None: if self._version_iri is not None: return self._version_iri return self._ontology_iri
[docs] def is_anonymous(self) -> bool: return self._ontology_iri is None
def __repr__(self): return f"OWLOntologyID({repr(self._ontology_iri)}, {repr(self._version_iri)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._ontology_iri == other._ontology_iri and self._version_iri == other._version_iri return NotImplemented
[docs]class OWLAxiom(OWLObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents Axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. An OWL ontology contains a set of axioms. These axioms can be annotation axioms, declaration axioms, imports axioms or logical axioms """ __slots__ = '_annotations' _annotations: List['OWLAnnotation'] def __init__(self, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._annotations = list(annotations) if annotations is not None else list()
[docs] def annotations(self) -> Optional[List['OWLAnnotation']]: return self._annotations
[docs] def is_annotated(self) -> bool: return self._annotations is not None and len(self._annotations) > 0
[docs] def is_logical_axiom(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def is_annotation_axiom(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]class OWLDatatype(OWLEntity, OWLDataRange): """Represents a Datatype (named data range) in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_iri' type_index: Final = 4001 _iri: IRI def __init__(self, iri: Union[IRI, HasIRI]): """Gets an instance of OWLDatatype that has the specified IRI. Args: iri: The IRI. """ if isinstance(iri, HasIRI): self._iri = iri.get_iri() else: assert isinstance(iri, IRI) self._iri = iri
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> 'IRI': # documented in parent return self._iri
[docs]class OWLDatatypeRestriction(OWLDataRange): """Represents a DatatypeRestriction data range in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_type', '_facet_restrictions' type_index: Final = 4006 _type: OWLDatatype _facet_restrictions: Sequence['OWLFacetRestriction'] def __init__(self, type_: OWLDatatype, facet_restrictions: Union['OWLFacetRestriction', Iterable['OWLFacetRestriction']]): self._type = type_ if isinstance(facet_restrictions, OWLFacetRestriction): facet_restrictions = facet_restrictions, self._facet_restrictions = tuple(facet_restrictions)
[docs] def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: return self._type
[docs] def get_facet_restrictions(self) -> Sequence['OWLFacetRestriction']: return self._facet_restrictions
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._type == other._type \ and self._facet_restrictions == other._facet_restrictions return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._type, self._facet_restrictions)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLDatatypeRestriction({repr(self._type)}, {repr(self._facet_restrictions)})'
[docs]class OWLFacetRestriction(OWLObject): """A facet restriction is used to restrict a particular datatype.""" __slots__ = '_facet', '_literal' type_index: Final = 4007 _facet: OWLFacet _literal: 'OWLLiteral' def __init__(self, facet: OWLFacet, literal: Literals): self._facet = facet if isinstance(literal, OWLLiteral): self._literal = literal else: self._literal = OWLLiteral(literal)
[docs] def get_facet(self) -> OWLFacet: return self._facet
[docs] def get_facet_value(self) -> 'OWLLiteral': return self._literal
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._facet == other._facet and self._literal == other._literal return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._facet, self._literal)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLFacetRestriction({self._facet}, {repr(self._literal)})'
[docs]class OWLLiteral(OWLAnnotationValue, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a Literal in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () type_index: Final = 4008 def __new__(cls, value, type_: Optional[OWLDatatype] = None): """Convenience method that obtains a literal Args: value: The value of the literal type_: the datatype of the literal """ if type_ is not None: if type_ == BooleanOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplBoolean) elif type_ == IntegerOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplInteger) elif type_ == DoubleOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDouble) elif type_ == StringOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplString) elif type_ == DateOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDate) elif type_ == DateTimeOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDateTime) elif type_ == DurationOWLDatatype: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDuration) else: return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImpl) if isinstance(value, bool): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplBoolean) elif isinstance(value, int): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplInteger) elif isinstance(value, float): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDouble) elif isinstance(value, str): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplString) elif isinstance(value, datetime): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDateTime) elif isinstance(value, date): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDate) elif isinstance(value, Timedelta): return super().__new__(_OWLLiteralImplDuration) # TODO XXX raise NotImplementedError(value)
[docs] def get_literal(self) -> str: """Gets the lexical value of this literal. Note that the language tag is not included. Returns: The lexical value of this literal. """ return str(self._v)
[docs] def is_boolean(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as boolean""" return False
[docs] def parse_boolean(self) -> bool: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into a bool. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the boolean datatype (""). Returns: A bool value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
[docs] def is_double(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as double""" return False
[docs] def parse_double(self) -> float: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into a double. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the double datatype (""). Returns: A double value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
[docs] def is_integer(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as integer""" return False
[docs] def parse_integer(self) -> int: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into an integer. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the integer datatype (""). Returns: An integer value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
[docs] def is_string(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as string""" return False
[docs] def parse_string(self) -> str: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into a string. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the string datatype (""). Returns: A string value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
[docs] def is_date(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as date""" return False
[docs] def parse_date(self) -> date: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into a date. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the date datatype (""). Returns: A date value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
[docs] def is_datetime(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as dateTime""" return False
[docs] def parse_datetime(self) -> datetime: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into a datetime. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the dateTime datatype (""). Returns: A datetime value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
[docs] def is_duration(self) -> bool: """Whether this literal is typed as duration""" return False
[docs] def parse_duration(self) -> Timedelta: """Parses the lexical value of this literal into a Timedelta. The lexical value of this literal should be in the lexical space of the duration datatype (""). Returns: A Timedelta value that is represented by this literal. """ raise ValueError
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def is_literal(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return True
[docs] def as_literal(self) -> 'OWLLiteral': # documented in parent return self
[docs] def to_python(self) -> Literals: return self._v
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: """Gets the OWLDatatype which types this literal. Returns: The OWLDatatype that types this literal. """ pass
@total_ordering class _OWLLiteralImplDouble(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: float def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == DoubleOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, float): value = float(value) self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v < other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_double(self) -> bool: return True def parse_double(self) -> float: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return DoubleOWLDatatype @total_ordering class _OWLLiteralImplInteger(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: int def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == IntegerOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, int): value = int(value) self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v < other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_integer(self) -> bool: return True def parse_integer(self) -> int: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return IntegerOWLDatatype class _OWLLiteralImplBoolean(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: bool def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == BooleanOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, bool): from distutils.util import strtobool value = bool(strtobool(value)) self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_boolean(self) -> bool: return True def parse_boolean(self) -> bool: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return BooleanOWLDatatype @total_ordering class _OWLLiteralImplString(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: str def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == StringOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v < other._v return NotImplemented def __len__(self): return len(self._v) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_string(self) -> bool: return True def parse_string(self) -> str: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return StringOWLDatatype @total_ordering class _OWLLiteralImplDate(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: date def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == DateOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, date): value = date.fromisoformat(value) self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v < other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_date(self) -> bool: return True def parse_date(self) -> date: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return DateOWLDatatype @total_ordering class _OWLLiteralImplDateTime(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: datetime def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == DateTimeOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, datetime): value = value.replace("Z", "+00:00") if isinstance(value, str) and value[-1] == "Z" else value value = datetime.fromisoformat(value) self._v = value def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v < other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_datetime(self) -> bool: return True def parse_datetime(self) -> datetime: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return DateTimeOWLDatatype @total_ordering class _OWLLiteralImplDuration(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v' _v: Timedelta def __init__(self, value, type_=None): assert type_ is None or type_ == DurationOWLDatatype if not isinstance(value, Timedelta): value = Timedelta(value) self._v = value def get_literal(self) -> str: return self._v.isoformat() def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v < other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._v) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({self._v})' def is_duration(self) -> bool: return True def parse_duration(self) -> Timedelta: # documented in parent return self._v # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: # documented in parent return DurationOWLDatatype class _OWLLiteralImpl(OWLLiteral): __slots__ = '_v', '_datatype' def __init__(self, v, type_: OWLDatatype): assert isinstance(type_, OWLDatatype) self._v = v self._datatype = type_ def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: return self._datatype def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self) and other.get_datatype() == self.get_datatype(): return self._v == other._v return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._v, self._datatype)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLLiteral({repr(self._v)}, {self._datatype})'
[docs]class OWLQuantifiedDataRestriction(OWLQuantifiedRestriction[OWLDataRange], OWLDataRestriction, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A quantified data restriction.""" __slots__ = () _filler: OWLDataRange def __init__(self, filler: OWLDataRange): self._filler = filler
[docs] def get_filler(self) -> OWLDataRange: # documented in parent (HasFiller) return self._filler
[docs]class OWLDataCardinalityRestriction(OWLCardinalityRestriction[OWLDataRange], OWLQuantifiedDataRestriction, OWLDataRestriction, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents Data Property Cardinality Restrictions in the OWL 2 specification""" __slots__ = () _property: OWLDataPropertyExpression @abstractmethod def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, filler: OWLDataRange): super().__init__(cardinality, filler) self._property = property
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLDataPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(" \ f"property={repr(self.get_property())},{self.get_cardinality()},filler={repr(self.get_filler())})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._property == other._property \ and self._cardinality == other._cardinality \ and self._filler == other._filler return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._cardinality, self._filler))
[docs]class OWLDataAllValuesFrom(OWLQuantifiedDataRestriction): """Represents DataAllValuesFrom class expressions in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property' type_index: Final = 3013 _property: OWLDataPropertyExpression def __init__(self, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, filler: OWLDataRange): """Gets an OWLDataAllValuesFrom restriction Args: property: The data property that the restriction acts along. filler: The data range that is the filler. Returns: An OWLDataAllValuesFrom restriction along the specified property with the specified filler """ super().__init__(filler) self._property = property def __repr__(self): return f"OWLDataAllValuesFrom(property={repr(self._property)},filler={repr(self._filler)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._filler == other._filler and self._property == other._property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._filler, self._property))
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLDataPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
[docs]class OWLDataComplementOf(OWLDataRange): """Represents DataComplementOf in the OWL 2 Specification.""" type_index: Final = 4002 _data_range: OWLDataRange def __init__(self, data_range: OWLDataRange): """ Args: data_range: data range to complement """ self._data_range = data_range
[docs] def get_data_range(self) -> OWLDataRange: """ Returns: the wrapped data range """ return self._data_range
def __repr__(self): return f"OWLDataComplementOf({repr(self._data_range)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._data_range == other._data_range return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._data_range)
[docs]class OWLDataExactCardinality(OWLDataCardinalityRestriction): """Represents DataExactCardinality restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_cardinality', '_filler', '_property' type_index: Final = 3016 def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, filler: OWLDataRange): """ Args: cardinality: Cannot be negative. property: The property that the restriction acts along. filler: data range for restriction Returns: a DataExactCardinality on the specified property """ super().__init__(cardinality, property, filler)
[docs] def as_intersection_of_min_max(self) -> OWLObjectIntersectionOf: """Obtains an equivalent form that is a conjunction of a min cardinality and max cardinality restriction. Returns: The semantically equivalent but structurally simpler form (= 1 R D) = >= 1 R D and <= 1 R D """ args = self.get_cardinality(), self.get_property(), self.get_filler() return OWLObjectIntersectionOf((OWLDataMinCardinality(*args), OWLDataMaxCardinality(*args)))
[docs]class OWLDataHasValue(OWLHasValueRestriction[OWLLiteral], OWLDataRestriction): """Represents DataHasValue restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property' type_index: Final = 3014 _property: OWLDataPropertyExpression def __init__(self, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, value: OWLLiteral): """Gets an OWLDataHasValue restriction Args: property: The data property that the restriction acts along. filler: The literal value Returns: An OWLDataHasValue restriction along the specified property with the specified literal """ super().__init__(value) self._property = property def __repr__(self): return f"OWLDataHasValue(property={repr(self._property)},value={repr(self._v)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._v == other._v and self._property == other._property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._v, self._property))
[docs] def as_some_values_from(self) -> OWLClassExpression: """A convenience method that obtains this restriction as an existential restriction with a nominal filler. Returns: The existential equivalent of this value restriction. simp(HasValue(p a)) = some(p {a}) """ return OWLDataSomeValuesFrom(self.get_property(), OWLDataOneOf(self.get_filler()))
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLDataPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
[docs]class OWLDataMaxCardinality(OWLDataCardinalityRestriction): """Represents DataMaxCardinality restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_cardinality', '_filler', '_property' type_index: Final = 3017 def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, filler: OWLDataRange): """ Args: cardinality: Cannot be negative. property: The property that the restriction acts along. filler: data range for restriction Returns: a DataMaxCardinality on the specified property """ super().__init__(cardinality, property, filler)
[docs]class OWLDataMinCardinality(OWLDataCardinalityRestriction): """Represents DataMinCardinality restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_cardinality', '_filler', '_property' type_index: Final = 3015 def __init__(self, cardinality: int, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, filler: OWLDataRange): """ Args: cardinality: Cannot be negative. property: The property that the restriction acts along. filler: data range for restriction Returns: a DataMinCardinality on the specified property """ super().__init__(cardinality, property, filler)
[docs]class OWLDataOneOf(OWLDataRange, HasOperands[OWLLiteral]): """Represents DataOneOf in the OWL 2 Specification.""" type_index: Final = 4003 _values: Sequence[OWLLiteral] def __init__(self, values: Union[OWLLiteral, Iterable[OWLLiteral]]): if isinstance(values, OWLLiteral): self._values = values, else: for _ in values: assert isinstance(_, OWLLiteral) self._values = tuple(values)
[docs] def values(self) -> Iterable[OWLLiteral]: """Gets the values that are in the oneOf. Returns: The values of this {@code DataOneOf} class expression. """ yield from self._values
[docs] def operands(self) -> Iterable[OWLLiteral]: # documented in parent yield from self.values()
def __hash__(self): return hash(self._values) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._values == other._values return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): return f'OWLDataOneOf({self._values})'
[docs]class OWLDataSomeValuesFrom(OWLQuantifiedDataRestriction): """Represents a DataSomeValuesFrom restriction in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_property' type_index: Final = 3012 _property: OWLDataPropertyExpression def __init__(self, property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, filler: OWLDataRange): """Gets an OWLDataSomeValuesFrom restriction Args: property: The data property that the restriction acts along. filler: The data range that is the filler. Returns: An OWLDataSomeValuesFrom restriction along the specified property with the specified filler """ super().__init__(filler) self._property = property def __repr__(self): return f"OWLDataSomeValuesFrom(property={repr(self._property)},filler={repr(self._filler)})" def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._filler == other._filler and self._property == other._property return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._filler, self._property))
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLDataPropertyExpression: # documented in parent return self._property
[docs]class OWLNaryDataRange(OWLDataRange, HasOperands[OWLDataRange]): """OWLNaryDataRange.""" __slots__ = () _operands: Sequence[OWLDataRange] def __init__(self, operands: Iterable[OWLDataRange]): """ Args: operands: data ranges """ self._operands = tuple(operands)
[docs] def operands(self) -> Iterable[OWLDataRange]: # documented in parent yield from self._operands
def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._operands)})' def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._operands == other._operands return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self._operands)
[docs]class OWLDataUnionOf(OWLNaryDataRange): """Represents a DataUnionOf data range in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_operands' type_index: Final = 4005 _operands: Sequence[OWLDataRange]
[docs]class OWLDataIntersectionOf(OWLNaryDataRange): """Represents DataIntersectionOf in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_operands' type_index: Final = 4004 _operands: Sequence[OWLDataRange]
[docs]class OWLImportsDeclaration(HasIRI): """Represents an import statement in an ontology.""" __slots__ = '_iri' def __init__(self, import_iri: IRI): """ Args: import_import_iri: imported ontology Returns: an imports declaration """ self._iri = import_iri
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> IRI: """Gets the import IRI. Returns: The import IRI that points to the ontology to be imported. The imported ontology might have this IRI as its ontology IRI but this is not mandated. For example, an ontology with a non resolvable ontology IRI can be deployed at a resolvable URL. """ return self._iri
[docs]class OWLLogicalAxiom(OWLAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A base interface of all axioms that affect the logical meaning of an ontology. This excludes declaration axioms (including imports declarations) and annotation axioms. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def is_logical_axiom(self) -> bool: return True
[docs]class OWLPropertyAxiom(OWLLogicalAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """The base interface for property axioms.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLPropertyAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """The base interface for object property axioms.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs]class OWLDataPropertyAxiom(OWLPropertyAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """The base interface for data property axioms.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs]class OWLIndividualAxiom(OWLLogicalAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """The base interface for individual axioms.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLClassAxiom(OWLLogicalAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """The base interface for class axioms.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDeclarationAxiom(OWLAxiom): '''Represents a Declaration axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. A declaration axiom declares an entity in an ontology. It doesn't affect the logical meaning of the ontology.''' __slots__ = '_entity' _entity: OWLEntity def __init__(self, entity: OWLEntity, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._entity = entity super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_entity(self) -> OWLEntity: return self._entity
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._entity == other._entity and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._entity, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLDeclarationAxiom(entity={self._entity},annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom(OWLLogicalAxiom): '''Represents a DatatypeDefinition axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.''' __slots__ = '_datatype', '_datarange' _datatype: OWLDatatype _datarange: OWLDataRange def __init__(self, datatype: OWLDatatype, datarange: OWLDataRange, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._datatype = datatype self._datarange = datarange super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_datatype(self) -> OWLDatatype: return self._datatype
[docs] def get_datarange(self) -> OWLDataRange: return self._datarange
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._datatype == other._datatype and self._datarange == other._datarange \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._datatype, self._datarange, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom(datatype={self._datatype},datarange={self._datarange},' \ f'annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLHasKeyAxiom(OWLLogicalAxiom, HasOperands[OWLPropertyExpression]): '''Represents a HasKey axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.''' __slots__ = '_class_expression', '_property_expressions' _class_expression: OWLClassExpression _property_expressions: List[OWLPropertyExpression] def __init__(self, class_expression: OWLClassExpression, property_expressions: List[OWLPropertyExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._class_expression = class_expression self._property_expressions = property_expressions super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_class_expression(self) -> OWLClassExpression: return self._class_expression
[docs] def get_property_expressions(self) -> List[OWLPropertyExpression]: return self._property_expressions
[docs] def operands(self) -> Iterable[OWLPropertyExpression]: yield from self._property_expressions
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._class_expression == other._class_expression \ and self._property_expressions == other._property_expressions \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._class_expression, self._property_expressions, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLHasKeyAxiom(class_expression={self._class_expression},' \ f'property_expressions={self._property_expressions},annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLNaryAxiom(Generic[_C], OWLAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents an axiom that contains two or more operands that could also be represented with multiple pairwise axioms. Args: _C: class of contained objects """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_pairwise_axioms(self) -> Iterable['OWLNaryAxiom[_C]']: pass
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences # noinspection PyDunderSlots
[docs]class OWLNaryClassAxiom(OWLClassAxiom, OWLNaryAxiom[OWLClassExpression], metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = '_class_expressions' _class_expressions: List[OWLClassExpression] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, class_expressions: List[OWLClassExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._class_expressions = [*class_expressions] super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def class_expressions(self) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: """Gets all of the top level class expressions that appear in this axiom. Returns: Sorted stream of class expressions that appear in the axiom. """ yield from self._class_expressions
[docs] def as_pairwise_axioms(self) -> Iterable['OWLNaryClassAxiom']: if len(self._class_expressions) < 3: yield self else: yield from map(type(self), combinations(self._class_expressions, 2))
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._class_expressions == other._class_expressions and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._class_expressions, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({self._class_expressions},{self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(OWLNaryClassAxiom): """Represents an EquivalentClasses axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, cls_a: OWLClassExpression, cls_b: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): """Get an equivalent classes axiom with specified operands Args: cls_a: one class for equivalence cls_b: one class for equivalence annotations: annotations """ super().__init__([cls_a, cls_b], annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDisjointClassesAxiom(OWLNaryClassAxiom): """Represents a DisjointClasses axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, class_expressions: List[OWLClassExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(class_expressions=class_expressions, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLNaryIndividualAxiom(OWLIndividualAxiom, OWLNaryAxiom[OWLIndividual], metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = '_individuals' _individuals: List[OWLIndividual] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, individuals: List[OWLIndividual], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._individuals = [*individuals] super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def individuals(self) -> Iterable[OWLIndividual]: yield from self._individuals
[docs] def as_pairwise_axioms(self) -> Iterable['OWLNaryIndividualAxiom']: if len(self._individuals) < 3: yield self else: yield from map(type(self), combinations(self._individuals, 2))
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._individuals == other._individuals and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._individuals, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({self._individuals},{self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom(OWLNaryIndividualAxiom): """Represents a DifferentIndividuals axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, individuals: List[OWLIndividual], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(individuals=individuals, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLSameIndividualAxiom(OWLNaryIndividualAxiom): """Represents a SameIndividual axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, individuals: List[OWLIndividual], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(individuals=individuals, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLNaryPropertyAxiom(Generic[_P], OWLPropertyAxiom, OWLNaryAxiom[_P], metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = '_properties' _properties: List[_P] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, properties: List[_P], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._properties = [*properties] super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def properties(self) -> Iterable[_P]: yield from self._properties
[docs] def as_pairwise_axioms(self) -> Iterable['OWLNaryPropertyAxiom']: if len(self._properties) < 3: yield self else: yield from map(type(self), combinations(self._properties, 2))
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._properties == other._properties and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._properties, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({self._properties},{self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom(OWLNaryPropertyAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], OWLObjectPropertyAxiom): """Represents EquivalentObjectProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, properties: List[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(properties=properties, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom(OWLNaryPropertyAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], OWLObjectPropertyAxiom): """Represents DisjointObjectProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, properties: List[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(properties=properties, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom(OWLNaryPropertyAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], OWLObjectPropertyAxiom): """Represents InverseObjectProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_first', '_second' _first: OWLObjectPropertyExpression _second: OWLObjectPropertyExpression def __init__(self, first: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, second: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._first = first self._second = second super().__init__(properties=[first, second], annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_first_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: return self._first
[docs] def get_second_property(self) -> OWLObjectPropertyExpression: return self._second
def __repr__(self): return f'OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom(first={self._first},second={self._second},' \ f'annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxiom(OWLNaryPropertyAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression], OWLDataPropertyAxiom): """Represents EquivalentDataProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, properties: List[OWLDataPropertyExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(properties=properties, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom(OWLNaryPropertyAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression], OWLDataPropertyAxiom): """Represents DisjointDataProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, properties: List[OWLDataPropertyExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(properties=properties, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLSubClassOfAxiom(OWLClassAxiom): """Represents an SubClassOf axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = '_sub_class', '_super_class' _sub_class: OWLClassExpression _super_class: OWLClassExpression def __init__(self, sub_class: OWLClassExpression, super_class: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): """Get an equivalent classes axiom with specified operands and no annotations Args: sub_class: the sub class super_class: the super class annotations: annotations """ self._sub_class = sub_class self._super_class = super_class super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_sub_class(self) -> OWLClassExpression: return self._sub_class
[docs] def get_super_class(self) -> OWLClassExpression: return self._super_class
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._super_class == other._super_class and self._sub_class == other._sub_class \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._super_class, self._sub_class, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLSubClassOfAxiom(sub_class={self._sub_class},super_class={self._super_class},' \ f'annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLDisjointUnionAxiom(OWLClassAxiom): '''Represents a DisjointUnion axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.''' __slots__ = '_cls', '_class_expressions' _cls: OWLClass _class_expressions: List[OWLClassExpression] def __init__(self, cls_: OWLClass, class_expressions: List[OWLClassExpression], annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._cls = cls_ self._class_expressions = class_expressions super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_owl_class(self) -> OWLClass: return self._cls
[docs] def get_class_expressions(self) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: yield from self._class_expressions
[docs] def get_owl_equivalent_classes_axiom(self) -> OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom: return OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(self._cls, OWLObjectUnionOf(self._class_expressions))
[docs] def get_owl_disjoint_classes_axiom(self) -> OWLDisjointClassesAxiom: return OWLDisjointClassesAxiom(self._class_expressions)
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._cls == other._cls and self._class_expressions == other._class_expressions \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._cls, self._class_expressions, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLDisjointUnionAxiom(class={self._cls},class_expressions={self._class_expressions},' \ f'annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLClassAssertionAxiom(OWLIndividualAxiom): '''Represents ClassAssertion axioms in the OWL 2 Specification.''' __slots__ = '_individual', '_class_expression' _individual: OWLIndividual _class_expression: OWLClassExpression def __init__(self, individual: OWLIndividual, class_expression: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): """Get a ClassAssertion axiom for the specified individual and class expression Args: individual: the individual class_expression: the class the individual belongs to annotations: annotations """ self._individual = individual self._class_expression = class_expression super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_individual(self) -> OWLIndividual: return self._individual
[docs] def get_class_expression(self) -> OWLClassExpression: return self._class_expression
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._class_expression == other._class_expression and self._individual == other._individual \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._individual, self._class_expression, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLClassAssertionAxiom(individual={self._individual},class_expression={self._class_expression},' \ f'annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLAnnotationAxiom(OWLAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A super interface for annotation axioms.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def is_annotation_axiom(self) -> bool: return True
[docs]class OWLAnnotationProperty(OWLProperty): """Represents an AnnotationProperty in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = '_iri' _iri: IRI def __init__(self, iri: IRI): """Get a new OWLAnnotationProperty object Args: iri: new OWLAnnotationProperty IRI """ self._iri = iri
[docs] def get_iri(self) -> IRI: # documented in parent return self._iri
[docs]class OWLAnnotation(OWLObject): """Annotations are used in the various types of annotation axioms, which bind annotations to their subjects (i.e. axioms or declarations).""" __slots__ = '_property', '_value' _property: OWLAnnotationProperty _value: OWLAnnotationValue def __init__(self, property: OWLAnnotationProperty, value: OWLAnnotationValue): """Gets an annotation Args: property: the annotation property. value: The annotation value. """ self._property = property self._value = value
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLAnnotationProperty: """Gets the property that this annotation acts along. Returns: The annotation property """ return self._property
[docs] def get_value(self) -> OWLAnnotationValue: """Gets the annotation value. The type of value will depend upon the type of the annotation e.g. whether the annotation is an OWLLiteral, an IRI or an OWLAnonymousIndividual. Returns: The annotation value. """ return self._value
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._value == other._value return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._value)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLAnnotation({self._property}, {self._value})'
[docs]class OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(OWLAnnotationAxiom): """Represents AnnotationAssertion axioms in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = '_subject', '_annotation' _subject: OWLAnnotationSubject _annotation: OWLAnnotation def __init__(self, subject: OWLAnnotationSubject, annotation: OWLAnnotation): """Get an annotation assertion axiom - with annotations Args: subject: subject annotation: annotation """ assert isinstance(subject, OWLAnnotationSubject) assert isinstance(annotation, OWLAnnotation) self._subject = subject self._annotation = annotation
[docs] def get_subject(self) -> OWLAnnotationSubject: """Gets the subject of this object. Returns: The subject """ return self._subject
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLAnnotationProperty: """Gets the property. Returns: The property. """ return self._annotation.get_property()
[docs] def get_value(self) -> OWLAnnotationValue: """Gets the annotation value. This is either an IRI, an OWLAnonymousIndividual or an OWLLiteral. Returns: The annotation value. """ return self._annotation.get_value()
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._subject == other._subject and self._annotation == other._annotation return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._subject, self._annotation)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom({self._subject}, {self._annotation})'
[docs]class OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom(OWLAnnotationAxiom): '''Represents an SubAnnotationPropertyOf axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = '_sub_property', '_super_property' _sub_property: OWLAnnotationProperty _super_property: OWLAnnotationProperty def __init__(self, sub_property: OWLAnnotationProperty, super_property: OWLAnnotationProperty, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._sub_property = sub_property self._super_property = super_property super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_sub_property(self) -> OWLAnnotationProperty: return self._sub_property
[docs] def get_super_property(self) -> OWLAnnotationProperty: return self._super_property
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._sub_property == other._sub_property and self._super_property == other._super_property \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._sub_property, self._super_property, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom(sub_property={self._sub_property},' \ f'super_property={self._super_property},annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom(OWLAnnotationAxiom): '''Represents an AnnotationPropertyDomain axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = '_property', '_domain' _property: OWLAnnotationProperty _domain: IRI def __init__(self, property_: OWLAnnotationProperty, domain: IRI, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._property = property_ self._domain = domain super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLAnnotationProperty: return self._property
[docs] def get_domain(self) -> IRI: return self._domain
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._domain == other._domain \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._domain, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom({repr(self._property)},{repr(self._domain)},' \ f'{repr(self._annotations)})'
[docs]class OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom(OWLAnnotationAxiom): '''Represents an AnnotationPropertyRange axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = '_property', '_range' _property: OWLAnnotationProperty _range: IRI def __init__(self, property_: OWLAnnotationProperty, range_: IRI, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._property = property_ self._range = range_ super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_property(self) -> OWLAnnotationProperty: return self._property
[docs] def get_range(self) -> IRI: return self._range
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._range == other._range \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._range, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom({repr(self._property)},{repr(self._range)},' \ f'{repr(self._annotations)})'
[docs]class OWLSubPropertyAxiom(Generic[_P], OWLPropertyAxiom): __slots__ = '_sub_property', '_super_property' _sub_property: _P _super_property: _P @abstractmethod def __init__(self, sub_property: _P, super_property: _P, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): self._sub_property = sub_property self._super_property = super_property super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_sub_property(self) -> _P: return self._sub_property
[docs] def get_super_property(self) -> _P: return self._super_property
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._sub_property == other._sub_property and self._super_property == other._super_property \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._sub_property, self._super_property, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}(sub_property={self._sub_property},super_property={self._super_property},' \ f'annotations={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom(OWLSubPropertyAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], OWLObjectPropertyAxiom): '''Represents a SubObjectPropertyOf axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, sub_property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, super_property: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(sub_property=sub_property, super_property=super_property, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxiom(OWLSubPropertyAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression], OWLDataPropertyAxiom): '''Represents a SubDataPropertyOf axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, sub_property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, super_property: OWLDataPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(sub_property=sub_property, super_property=super_property, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom(Generic[_P, _C], OWLIndividualAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): '''Represents a PropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = '_subject', '_property', '_object' _subject: OWLIndividual _property: _P _object: _C @abstractmethod def __init__(self, subject: OWLIndividual, property_: _P, object_: _C, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): """Get a PropertyAssertion axiom for the specified subject, property, object Args: subject: the subject of the property assertion property: the property of the property assertion object: the object of the property assertion annotations: annotations """ assert isinstance(subject, OWLIndividual) self._subject = subject self._property = property_ self._object = object_ super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_subject(self) -> OWLIndividual: return self._subject
[docs] def get_property(self) -> _P: return self._property
[docs] def get_object(self) -> _C: return self._object
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._subject == other._subject and self._property == other._property and \ self._object == other._object and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._subject, self._property, self._object, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}(subject={self._subject},property={self._property},' \ f'object={self._object},annotation={self._annotations})'
[docs]class OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression, OWLIndividual]): '''Represents an ObjectPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, subject: OWLIndividual, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, object_: OWLIndividual, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(subject, property_, object_, annotations)
[docs]class OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression, OWLIndividual]): '''Represents a NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, subject: OWLIndividual, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, object_: OWLIndividual, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(subject, property_, object_, annotations)
[docs]class OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom(OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression, OWLLiteral]): '''Represents an DataPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, subject: OWLIndividual, property_: OWLDataPropertyExpression, object_: OWLLiteral, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(subject, property_, object_, annotations)
[docs]class OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxiom(OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression, OWLLiteral]): '''Represents an NegativeDataPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, subject: OWLIndividual, property_: OWLDataPropertyExpression, object_: OWLLiteral, annotations: Optional[Iterable['OWLAnnotation']] = None): super().__init__(subject, property_, object_, annotations)
[docs]class OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom(Generic[_P], OWLPropertyAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = '_property' _property: _P def __init__(self, property_: _P, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): self._property = property_ super().__init__(annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_property(self) -> _P: return self._property
[docs]class OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom(OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression], OWLObjectPropertyAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._property)},{repr(self._annotations)})"
[docs]class OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents FunctionalObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents AsymmetricObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents InverseFunctionalObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents IrreflexiveObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents ReflexiveObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents SymmetricObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom(OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents TransitiveObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDataPropertyCharacteristicAxiom(OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression], OWLDataPropertyAxiom, metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self, property_: OWLDataPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._property)},{repr(self._annotations)})"
[docs]class OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom(OWLDataPropertyCharacteristicAxiom): '''Represents FunctionalDataProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification.''' __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLDataPropertyExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLPropertyDomainAxiom(Generic[_P], OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom[_P], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents ObjectPropertyDomain axioms in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = '_domain' _domain: OWLClassExpression @abstractmethod def __init__(self, property_: _P, domain: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): self._domain = domain super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_domain(self) -> OWLClassExpression: return self._domain
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._domain == other._domain \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._domain, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._property)},{repr(self._domain)},{repr(self._annotations)})"
[docs]class OWLPropertyRangeAxiom(Generic[_P, _R], OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom[_P], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents ObjectPropertyRange axioms in the OWL 2 specification.""" __slots__ = '_range' _range: _R @abstractmethod def __init__(self, property_: _P, range_: _R, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): self._range = range_ super().__init__(property_=property_, annotations=annotations)
[docs] def get_range(self) -> _R: return self._range
def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return self._property == other._property and self._range == other._range \ and self._annotations == other._annotations return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash((self._property, self._range, self._annotations)) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._property)},{repr(self._range)},{repr(self._annotations)})"
[docs]class OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom(OWLPropertyDomainAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]): """ Represents a ObjectPropertyDomain axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, domain: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, domain=domain, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom(OWLPropertyDomainAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression]): """ Represents a DataPropertyDomain axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLDataPropertyExpression, domain: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, domain=domain, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom(OWLPropertyRangeAxiom[OWLObjectPropertyExpression, OWLClassExpression]): """ Represents a ObjectPropertyRange axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, range_: OWLClassExpression, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, range_=range_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom(OWLPropertyRangeAxiom[OWLDataPropertyExpression, OWLDataRange]): """ Represents a DataPropertyRange axiom in the OWL 2 Specification.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, property_: OWLDataPropertyExpression, range_: OWLDataRange, annotations: Optional[Iterable[OWLAnnotation]] = None): super().__init__(property_=property_, range_=range_, annotations=annotations)
[docs]class OWLOntology(OWLObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents an OWL 2 Ontology in the OWL 2 specification. An OWLOntology consists of a possibly empty set of OWLAxioms and a possibly empty set of OWLAnnotations. An ontology can have an ontology IRI which can be used to identify the ontology. If it has an ontology IRI then it may also have an ontology version IRI. Since OWL 2, an ontology need not have an ontology IRI. (See the OWL 2 Structural Specification) An ontology cannot be modified directly. Changes must be applied via its OWLOntologyManager. """ __slots__ = () type_index: Final = 1
[docs] @abstractmethod def classes_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: """Gets the classes in the signature of this object. Returns: Classes in the signature of this object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def data_properties_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: """Get the data properties that are in the signature of this object. Returns: Data properties that are in the signature of this object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def object_properties_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLObjectProperty]: """A convenience method that obtains the object properties that are in the signature of this object. Returns: Object properties that are in the signature of this object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def individuals_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: """A convenience method that obtains the individuals that are in the signature of this object. Returns: Individuals that are in the signature of this object. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def data_property_domain_axioms(self, property: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom]: """Gets the OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property. Args: property: The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms. Returns: the axioms matching the search. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def data_property_range_axioms(self, property: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom]: """Gets the OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property. Args: property: The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms. Returns: the axioms matching the search. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def object_property_domain_axioms(self, property: OWLObjectProperty) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom]: """Gets the OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property. Args: property: The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms. Returns: the axioms matching the search. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def object_property_range_axioms(self, property: OWLObjectProperty) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom]: """Gets the OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property. Args: property: The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms. Returns: the axioms matching the search. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_owl_ontology_manager(self) -> _M: """Gets the manager that manages this ontology""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_ontology_id(self) -> OWLOntologyID: """Gets the OWLOntologyID belonging to this object. Returns: The OWLOntologyID """ pass
[docs] def is_anonymous(self) -> bool: return self.get_ontology_id().is_anonymous()
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences # noinspection PyDunderSlots
[docs]class OWLOntologyChange(metaclass=ABCMeta): __slots__ = () _ont: OWLOntology @abstractmethod def __init__(self, ontology: OWLOntology): self._ont = ontology
[docs] def get_ontology(self) -> OWLOntology: """Gets the ontology that the change is/was applied to. Returns: The ontology that the change is applicable to """ return self._ont
[docs]class AddImport(OWLOntologyChange): """Represents an ontology change where an import statement is added to an ontology.""" __slots__ = '_ont', '_declaration' def __init__(self, ontology: OWLOntology, import_declaration: OWLImportsDeclaration): """ Args: ontology: the ontology to which the change is to be applied import_declaration: the import declaration """ super().__init__(ontology) self._declaration = import_declaration
[docs] def get_import_declaration(self) -> OWLImportsDeclaration: """Gets the import declaration that the change pertains to. Returns: The import declaration """ return self._declaration
[docs]class OWLOntologyManager(metaclass=ABCMeta): """An OWLOntologyManager manages a set of ontologies. It is the main point for creating, loading and accessing ontologies."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_ontology(self, iri: IRI) -> OWLOntology: """Creates a new (empty) ontology that that has the specified ontology IRI (and no version IRI). Args: iri: The IRI of the ontology to be created. Returns: The newly created ontology, or if an ontology with the specified IRI already exists then this existing ontology will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_ontology(self, iri: IRI) -> OWLOntology: """Loads an ontology that is assumed to have the specified ontology IRI as its IRI or version IRI. The ontology IRI will be mapped to an ontology document IRI. Args: iri: The IRI that identifies the ontology. It is expected that the ontology will also have this IRI (although the OWL API should tolerated situations where this is not the case). Returns: The OWLOntology representation of the ontology that was loaded. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply_change(self, change: OWLOntologyChange): """A convenience method that applies just one change to an ontology. When this method is used through an OWLOntologyManager implementation, the instance used should be the one that the ontology returns through the get_owl_ontology_manager() call. Args: change: The change to be applied Raises: ChangeApplied.UNSUCCESSFULLY: if the change was not applied successfully. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_axiom(self, ontology: OWLOntology, axiom: OWLAxiom): """A convenience method that adds a single axiom to an ontology. Args: ontology: The ontology to add the axiom to. axiom: The axiom to be added """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def remove_axiom(self, ontology: OWLOntology, axiom: OWLAxiom): """A convenience method that removes a single axiom from an ontology. Args: ontology: The ontology to remove the axiom from. axiom: The axiom to be removed """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_ontology(self, ontology: OWLOntology, document_iri: IRI): """Saves the specified ontology, using the specified document IRI to determine where/how the ontology should be saved. Args: ontology: The ontology to be saved. document_iri: The document IRI where the ontology should be saved to """ pass
[docs]class OWLReasoner(metaclass=ABCMeta): """An OWLReasoner reasons over a set of axioms (the set of reasoner axioms) that is based on the imports closure of a particular ontology - the "root" ontology.""" __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self, ontology: OWLOntology): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def data_property_domains(self, pe: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: """Gets the class expressions that are the direct or indirect domains of this property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: pe: The property expression whose domains are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct domains should be retrieved (True), or if all domains should be retrieved (False). Returns: :Let N = equivalent_classes(DataSomeValuesFrom(pe rdfs:Literal)). If direct is True: then if N is not empty then the return value is N, else the return value is the result of super_classes(DataSomeValuesFrom(pe rdfs:Literal), true). If direct is False: then the result of super_classes(DataSomeValuesFrom(pe rdfs:Literal), false) together with N if N is non-empty. (Note, rdfs:Literal is the top datatype). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def object_property_domains(self, pe: OWLObjectProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: """Gets the class expressions that are the direct or indirect domains of this property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: pe: The property expression whose domains are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct domains should be retrieved (True), or if all domains should be retrieved (False). Returns: :Let N = equivalent_classes(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe owl:Thing)). If direct is True: then if N is not empty then the return value is N, else the return value is the result of super_classes(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe owl:Thing), true). If direct is False: then the result of super_classes(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe owl:Thing), false) together with N if N is non-empty. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def object_property_ranges(self, pe: OWLObjectProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: """Gets the class expressions that are the direct or indirect ranges of this property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: pe: The property expression whose ranges are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct ranges should be retrieved (True), or if all ranges should be retrieved (False). Returns: :Let N = equivalent_classes(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(pe) owl:Thing)). If direct is True: then if N is not empty then the return value is N, else the return value is the result of super_classes(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(pe) owl:Thing), true). If direct is False: then the result of super_classes(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(pe) owl:Thing), false) together with N if N is non-empty. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def equivalent_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: """Gets the named classes that are equivalent to the specified class expression with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: ce: The class expression whose equivalent classes are to be retrieved. Returns: All named classes C where the root ontology imports closure entails EquivalentClasses(ce C). If ce is not a class name (i.e. it is an anonymous class expression) and there are no such classes C then there will be no result. If ce is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of reasoner axioms then owl:Nothing, i.e. the bottom node, will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def disjoint_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: """Gets the named classes that are disjoint with specified class expression with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: ce: The class expression whose disjoint classes are to be retrieved. Returns: All named classes D where the set of reasoner axioms entails EquivalentClasses(D ObjectComplementOf(ce)) or StrictSubClassOf(D ObjectComplementOf(ce)). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def different_individuals(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: """Gets the individuals that are different from the specified individual with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: ind: The individual whose different individuals are to be retrieved. Returns: All individuals x where the set of reasoner axioms entails DifferentIndividuals(ind x). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def same_individuals(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: """Gets the individuals that are the same as the specified individual with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: ind: The individual whose same individuals are to be retrieved. Returns: All individuals x where the root ontology imports closure entails SameIndividual(ind x). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def equivalent_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: """Gets the simplified object properties that are equivalent to the specified object property with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: op: The object property whose equivalent object properties are to be retrieved. Returns: All simplified object properties e where the root ontology imports closure entails EquivalentObjectProperties(op e). If op is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of reasoner axioms then owl:bottomDataProperty will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def equivalent_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: """Gets the data properties that are equivalent to the specified data property with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: dp: The data property whose equivalent data properties are to be retrieved. Returns: All data properties e where the root ontology imports closure entails EquivalentDataProperties(dp e). If dp is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of reasoner axioms then owl:bottomDataProperty will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def data_property_values(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, pe: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable['OWLLiteral']: """Gets the data property values for the specified individual and data property expression. Args: ind: The individual that is the subject of the data property values pe: The data property expression whose values are to be retrieved for the specified individual Returns: A set of OWLLiterals containing literals such that for each literal l in the set, the set of reasoner axioms entails DataPropertyAssertion(pe ind l). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def object_property_values(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, pe: OWLObjectPropertyExpression) \ -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: """Gets the object property values for the specified individual and object property expression. Args: ind: The individual that is the subject of the object property values pe: The object property expression whose values are to be retrieved for the specified individual Returns: The named individuals such that for each individual j, the set of reasoner axioms entails ObjectPropertyAssertion(pe ind j). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def flush(self) -> None: """Flushes any changes stored in the buffer, which causes the reasoner to take into consideration the changes the current root ontology specified by the changes""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def instances(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: """Gets the individuals which are instances of the specified class expression. Args: ce: The class expression whose instances are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct instances should be retrieved (True), or if all instances should be retrieved (False). Returns: If direct is True, each named individual j where the set of reasoner axioms entails DirectClassAssertion(ce, j). If direct is False, each named individual j where the set of reasoner axioms entails ClassAssertion(ce, j). If ce is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of reasoner axioms then nothing returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sub_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: """Gets the set of named classes that are the strict (potentially direct) subclasses of the specified class expression with respect to the reasoner axioms. Args: ce: The class expression whose strict (direct) subclasses are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct subclasses should be retrieved (True) or if the all subclasses (descendant) classes should be retrieved (False). Returns: If direct is True, each class C where reasoner axioms entails DirectSubClassOf(C, ce). If direct is False, each class C where reasoner axioms entails StrictSubClassOf(C, ce). If ce is equivalent to owl:Nothing then nothing will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def disjoint_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: """Gets the simplified object properties that are disjoint with the specified object property with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: op: The object property whose disjoint object properties are to be retrieved. Returns: All simplified object properties e where the root ontology imports closure entails EquivalentObjectProperties(e ObjectPropertyComplementOf(op)) or StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(e ObjectPropertyComplementOf(op)). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def disjoint_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: """Gets the data properties that are disjoint with the specified data property with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. Args: dp: The data property whose disjoint data properties are to be retrieved. Returns: All data properties e where the root ontology imports closure entails EquivalentDataProperties(e DataPropertyComplementOf(dp)) or StrictSubDataPropertyOf(e DataPropertyComplementOf(dp)). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sub_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: """Gets the set of named data properties that are the strict (potentially direct) subproperties of the specified data property expression with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: dp: The data property whose strict (direct) subproperties are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct subproperties should be retrieved (True) or if the all subproperties (descendants) should be retrieved (False). Returns: If direct is True, each property P where the set of reasoner axioms entails DirectSubDataPropertyOf(P, pe). If direct is False, each property P where the set of reasoner axioms entails StrictSubDataPropertyOf(P, pe). If pe is equivalent to owl:bottomDataProperty then nothing will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sub_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, direct: bool = False) \ -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: """Gets the stream of simplified object property expressions that are the strict (potentially direct) subproperties of the specified object property expression with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: op: The object property expression whose strict (direct) subproperties are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct subproperties should be retrieved (True) or if the all subproperties (descendants) should be retrieved (False). Returns: If direct is True, simplified object property expressions, such that for each simplified object property expression, P, the set of reasoner axioms entails DirectSubObjectPropertyOf(P, pe). If direct is False, simplified object property expressions, such that for each simplified object property expression, P, the set of reasoner axioms entails StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(P, pe). If pe is equivalent to owl:bottomObjectProperty then nothing will be returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def types(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: """Gets the named classes which are (potentially direct) types of the specified named individual. Args: ind: The individual whose types are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct types should be retrieved (True), or if all types should be retrieved (False). Returns: If direct is True, each named class C where the set of reasoner axioms entails DirectClassAssertion(C, ind). If direct is False, each named class C where the set of reasoner axioms entails ClassAssertion(C, ind). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_root_ontology(self) -> OWLOntology: """Gets the "root" ontology that is loaded into this reasoner. The reasoner takes into account the axioms in this ontology and its imports closure.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def super_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: """Gets the stream of named classes that are the strict (potentially direct) super classes of the specified class expression with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: ce: The class expression whose strict (direct) super classes are to be retrieved. direct: Specifies if the direct super classes should be retrieved (True) or if the all super classes (ancestors) classes should be retrieved (False). Returns: If direct is True, each class C where the set of reasoner axioms entails DirectSubClassOf(ce, C). If direct is False, each class C where set of reasoner axioms entails StrictSubClassOf(ce, C). If ce is equivalent to owl:Thing then nothing will be returned. """ pass
"""Important constant objects section""" OWLThing: Final = OWLClass(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_THING.get_iri()) #: : :The OWL Class corresponding to owl:Thing OWLNothing: Final = OWLClass(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_NOTHING.get_iri()) #: : :The OWL Class corresponding to owl:Nothing #: the built in top object property OWLTopObjectProperty: Final = OWLObjectProperty(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_TOP_OBJECT_PROPERTY.get_iri()) #: the built in bottom object property OWLBottomObjectProperty: Final = OWLObjectProperty(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_BOTTOM_OBJECT_PROPERTY.get_iri()) #: the built in top data property OWLTopDataProperty: Final = OWLDataProperty(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_TOP_DATA_PROPERTY.get_iri()) #: the built in bottom data property OWLBottomDataProperty: Final = OWLDataProperty(OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_BOTTOM_DATA_PROPERTY.get_iri()) DoubleOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.DOUBLE) #: An object representing a double datatype. IntegerOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.INTEGER) #: An object representing an integer datatype. BooleanOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.BOOLEAN) #: An object representing the boolean datatype. StringOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.STRING) #: An object representing the string datatype. DateOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.DATE) #: An object representing the date datatype. DateTimeOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.DATE_TIME) #: An object representing the dateTime datatype. DurationOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(XSDVocabulary.DURATION) #: An object representing the duration datatype. #: The OWL Datatype corresponding to the top data type TopOWLDatatype: Final = OWLDatatype(OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_LITERAL) NUMERIC_DATATYPES: Final[Set[OWLDatatype]] = {DoubleOWLDatatype, IntegerOWLDatatype} TIME_DATATYPES: Final[Set[OWLDatatype]] = {DateOWLDatatype, DateTimeOWLDatatype, DurationOWLDatatype}