from functools import singledispatchmethod, total_ordering
from typing import Iterable, List, Type, TypeVar, Generic, Tuple, cast, Optional, Union, overload
from owlapy.model import HasIndex, HasIRI, OWLClassExpression, OWLClass, OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction, \
OWLObjectComplementOf, OWLNothing, OWLPropertyRange, OWLRestriction, OWLThing, OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom, \
OWLObjectHasValue, OWLObjectMinCardinality, OWLObjectMaxCardinality, OWLObjectExactCardinality, OWLObjectHasSelf, \
OWLObjectOneOf, OWLDataMaxCardinality, OWLDataMinCardinality, OWLDataExactCardinality, OWLDataHasValue, \
OWLDataAllValuesFrom, OWLDataSomeValuesFrom, OWLObjectAllValuesFrom, HasFiller, HasCardinality, HasOperands, \
OWLObjectInverseOf, OWLDatatypeRestriction, OWLDataComplementOf, OWLDatatype, OWLDataUnionOf, \
OWLDataIntersectionOf, OWLDataOneOf, OWLFacetRestriction, OWLLiteral, OWLObjectIntersectionOf, \
OWLDataCardinalityRestriction, OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression, OWLNaryDataRange, OWLObjectUnionOf, \
OWLDataRange, OWLObject
_HasIRI = TypeVar('_HasIRI', bound=HasIRI) #:
_HasIndex = TypeVar('_HasIndex', bound=HasIndex) #:
_O = TypeVar('_O') #:
_Enc = TypeVar('_Enc')
_Con = TypeVar('_Con')
_K = TypeVar('_K')
_V = TypeVar('_V')
class OrderedOWLObject:
"""Holder of OWL Objects that can be used for Python sorted
The Ordering is dependent on the type_index of the impl. classes recursively followed by all components of the
OWL Object.
__slots__ = 'o', '_chain'
o: _HasIndex # o: Intersection[OWLObject, HasIndex]
_chain: Optional[Tuple]
# we are limited by # o: Intersection[OWLObject, HasIndex]
def __init__(self, o: _HasIndex):
"""OWL Object holder with a defined sort order
o: OWL Object
self.o = o
self._chain = None
def _comparison_chain(self):
if self._chain is None:
c = [self.o.type_index]
if isinstance(self.o, OWLRestriction):
if isinstance(self.o, OWLObjectInverseOf):
if isinstance(self.o, HasFiller):
if isinstance(self.o, HasCardinality):
if isinstance(self.o, HasOperands):
c.append(tuple(map(OrderedOWLObject, self.o.operands())))
if isinstance(self.o, HasIRI):
if isinstance(self.o, OWLDataComplementOf):
if isinstance(self.o, OWLDatatypeRestriction):
tuple(map(OrderedOWLObject, self.o.get_facet_restrictions()))))
if isinstance(self.o, OWLFacetRestriction):
c.append((self.o.get_facet().get_iri().as_str(), self.o.get_facet_value().get_literal()))
if isinstance(self.o, OWLLiteral):
if len(c) == 1:
raise NotImplementedError(type(self.o))
self._chain = tuple(c)
return self._chain
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.o.type_index < other.o.type_index:
return True
elif self.o.type_index > other.o.type_index:
return False
return self._comparison_chain() < other._comparison_chain()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.o == other.o
def _sort_by_ordered_owl_object(i: Iterable[_O]) -> Iterable[_O]:
return sorted(i, key=OrderedOWLObject)
[docs]class NNF:
"""This class contains functions to transform a Class Expression into Negation Normal Form"""
[docs] @singledispatchmethod
def get_class_nnf(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, negated: bool = False) -> OWLClassExpression:
"""Convert a Class Expression to Negation Normal Form. Operands will be sorted.
ce: Class Expression
negated: whether the result should be negated
Class Expression in Negation Normal Form
raise NotImplementedError
def _(self, ce: OWLClass, negated: bool = False):
if negated:
if ce.is_owl_thing():
return OWLNothing
if ce.is_owl_nothing():
return OWLThing
return OWLObjectComplementOf(ce)
return ce
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectIntersectionOf, negated: bool = False):
ops = map(lambda _: self.get_class_nnf(_, negated),
if negated:
return OWLObjectUnionOf(ops)
return OWLObjectIntersectionOf(ops)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectUnionOf, negated: bool = False):
ops = map(lambda _: self.get_class_nnf(_, negated),
if negated:
return OWLObjectIntersectionOf(ops)
return OWLObjectUnionOf(ops)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectComplementOf, negated: bool = False):
return self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_operand(), not negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom, negated: bool = False):
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated)
if negated:
return OWLObjectAllValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectAllValuesFrom, negated: bool = False):
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated)
if negated:
return OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLObjectAllValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectHasValue, negated: bool = False):
return self.get_class_nnf(ce.as_some_values_from(), negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectMinCardinality, negated: bool = False):
card = ce.get_cardinality()
if negated:
card = max(0, card - 1)
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated=False)
if negated:
return OWLObjectMaxCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLObjectMinCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectExactCardinality, negated: bool = False):
return self.get_class_nnf(ce.as_intersection_of_min_max(), negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectMaxCardinality, negated: bool = False):
card = ce.get_cardinality()
if negated:
card = card + 1
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated=False)
if negated:
return OWLObjectMinCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLObjectMaxCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectHasSelf, negated: bool = False):
if negated:
return ce.get_object_complement_of()
return ce
def _(self, ce: OWLObjectOneOf, negated: bool = False):
union = ce.as_object_union_of()
if isinstance(union, OWLObjectOneOf):
if negated:
return ce.get_object_complement_of()
return ce
return self.get_class_nnf(union, negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataSomeValuesFrom, negated: bool = False):
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated)
if negated:
return OWLDataAllValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLDataSomeValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataAllValuesFrom, negated: bool = False):
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated)
if negated:
return OWLDataSomeValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLDataAllValuesFrom(ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLDatatypeRestriction, negated: bool = False):
if negated:
return OWLDataComplementOf(ce)
return ce
def _(self, ce: OWLDatatype, negated: bool = False):
if negated:
return OWLDataComplementOf(ce)
return ce
def _(self, ce: OWLDataComplementOf, negated: bool = False):
return self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_data_range(), not negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataHasValue, negated: bool = False):
return self.get_class_nnf(ce.as_some_values_from(), negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataOneOf, negated: bool = False):
if len(list(ce.values())) == 1:
if negated:
return OWLDataComplementOf(ce)
return ce
union = OWLDataUnionOf([OWLDataOneOf(v) for v in ce.values()])
return self.get_class_nnf(union, negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataIntersectionOf, negated: bool = False):
ops = map(lambda _: self.get_class_nnf(_, negated),
if negated:
return OWLDataUnionOf(ops)
return OWLDataIntersectionOf(ops)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataUnionOf, negated: bool = False):
ops = map(lambda _: self.get_class_nnf(_, negated),
if negated:
return OWLDataIntersectionOf(ops)
return OWLDataUnionOf(ops)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataExactCardinality, negated: bool = False):
return self.get_class_nnf(ce.as_intersection_of_min_max(), negated)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataMinCardinality, negated: bool = False):
card = ce.get_cardinality()
if negated:
card = max(0, card - 1)
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated=False)
if negated:
return OWLDataMaxCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLDataMinCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
def _(self, ce: OWLDataMaxCardinality, negated: bool = False):
card = ce.get_cardinality()
if negated:
card = card + 1
filler = self.get_class_nnf(ce.get_filler(), negated=False)
if negated:
return OWLDataMinCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
return OWLDataMaxCardinality(card, ce.get_property(), filler)
# OWL-APy custom util start
[docs]class TopLevelCNF:
"""This class contains functions to transform a class expression into Top-Level Conjunctive Normal Form"""
[docs] def get_top_level_cnf(self, ce: OWLClassExpression) -> OWLClassExpression:
"""Convert a class expression into Top-Level Conjunctive Normal Form. Operands will be sorted.
ce: Class Expression
Class Expression in Top-Level Conjunctive Normal Form
c = _get_top_level_form(ce.get_nnf(), OWLObjectUnionOf, OWLObjectIntersectionOf)
return combine_nary_expressions(c)
[docs]class TopLevelDNF:
"""This class contains functions to transform a class expression into Top-Level Disjunctive Normal Form"""
[docs] def get_top_level_dnf(self, ce: OWLClassExpression) -> OWLClassExpression:
"""Convert a class expression into Top-Level Disjunctive Normal Form. Operands will be sorted.
ce: Class Expression
Class Expression in Top-Level Disjunctive Normal Form
c = _get_top_level_form(ce.get_nnf(), OWLObjectIntersectionOf, OWLObjectUnionOf)
return combine_nary_expressions(c)
def _get_top_level_form(ce: OWLClassExpression,
type_a: Type[OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression],
type_b: Type[OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression]) -> OWLClassExpression:
""" Transforms a class expression (that's already in NNF) into Top-Level Conjunctive/Disjunctive Normal Form.
Here type_a specifies the operand which should be distributed inwards over type_b.
Conjunctive Normal form:
type_a = OWLObjectUnionOf
type_b = OWLObjectIntersectionOf
Disjunctive Normal form:
type_a = OWLObjectIntersectionOf
type_b = OWLObjectUnionOf
def distributive_law(a: OWLClassExpression, b: OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression) -> OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression:
return type_b(type_a([a, op]) for op in b.operands())
if isinstance(ce, type_a):
ce = cast(OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression, combine_nary_expressions(ce))
type_b_exprs = [op for op in ce.operands() if isinstance(op, type_b)]
non_type_b_exprs = [op for op in ce.operands() if not isinstance(op, type_b)]
if not len(type_b_exprs):
return ce
if len(non_type_b_exprs):
expr = non_type_b_exprs[0] if len(non_type_b_exprs) == 1 \
else type_a(non_type_b_exprs)
expr = distributive_law(expr, type_b_exprs[0])
expr = type_b_exprs[0]
if len(type_b_exprs) == 1:
return _get_top_level_form(expr, type_a, type_b)
for type_b_expr in type_b_exprs[1:]:
expr = distributive_law(type_b_expr, expr)
return _get_top_level_form(expr, type_a, type_b)
elif isinstance(ce, type_b):
return type_b(_get_top_level_form(op, type_a, type_b) for op in ce.operands())
elif isinstance(ce, OWLClassExpression):
return ce
raise ValueError('Top-Level CNF/DNF only applicable on class expressions', ce)
def combine_nary_expressions(ce: OWLClassExpression) -> OWLClassExpression:
def combine_nary_expressions(ce: OWLDataRange) -> OWLDataRange:
[docs]def combine_nary_expressions(ce: OWLPropertyRange) -> OWLPropertyRange:
''' Shortens an OWLClassExpression or OWLDataRange by combining all nested nary expressions of the same type.
Operands will be sorted.
E.g. OWLObjectUnionOf(A, OWLObjectUnionOf(C, B)) -> OWLObjectUnionOf(A, B, C)
if isinstance(ce, (OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression, OWLNaryDataRange)):
expressions: List[OWLPropertyRange] = []
for op in ce.operands():
expr = combine_nary_expressions(op)
if type(expr) is type(ce):
expr = cast(Union[OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression, OWLNaryDataRange], expr)
return type(ce)(_sort_by_ordered_owl_object(expressions)) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(ce, OWLObjectComplementOf):
return OWLObjectComplementOf(combine_nary_expressions(ce.get_operand()))
elif isinstance(ce, OWLDataComplementOf):
return OWLDataComplementOf(combine_nary_expressions(ce.get_data_range()))
elif isinstance(ce, OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction):
return type(ce)(ce.get_cardinality(), ce.get_property(), combine_nary_expressions(ce.get_filler()))
elif isinstance(ce, OWLDataCardinalityRestriction):
return type(ce)(ce.get_cardinality(), ce.get_property(), combine_nary_expressions(ce.get_filler()))
elif isinstance(ce, (OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom, OWLObjectAllValuesFrom)):
return type(ce)(ce.get_property(), combine_nary_expressions(ce.get_filler()))
elif isinstance(ce, (OWLDataSomeValuesFrom, OWLDataAllValuesFrom)):
return type(ce)(ce.get_property(), combine_nary_expressions(ce.get_filler()))
elif isinstance(ce, OWLObjectOneOf):
return OWLObjectOneOf(_sort_by_ordered_owl_object(ce.operands()))
elif isinstance(ce, OWLDataOneOf):
return OWLDataOneOf(_sort_by_ordered_owl_object(ce.operands()))
elif isinstance(ce, OWLPropertyRange):
return ce
raise ValueError(f'({expr}) is not an OWLObject.')
[docs]def iter_count(i: Iterable) -> int:
"""Count the number of elements in an iterable"""
return sum(1 for _ in i)
[docs]def as_index(o: OWLObject) -> HasIndex:
"""Cast OWL Object to HasIndex"""
i = cast(HasIndex, o)
assert type(i).type_index
return i
# adapted from functools.lru_cache
[docs]class LRUCache(Generic[_K, _V]):
# Constants shared by all lru cache instances:
sentinel = object() # unique object used to signal cache misses
PREV, NEXT, KEY, RESULT = 0, 1, 2, 3 # names for the link fields
def __init__(self, maxsize: Optional[int] = None):
from _thread import RLock
self.cache = {}
self.hits = self.misses = 0
self.full = False
self.cache_get = self.cache.get # bound method to lookup a key or return None
self.cache_len = self.cache.__len__ # get cache size without calling len()
self.lock = RLock() # because linkedlist updates aren't threadsafe
self.root = [] # root of the circular doubly linked list
self.root[:] = [self.root, self.root, None, None] # initialize by pointing to self
self.maxsize = maxsize
def __contains__(self, item: _K) -> bool:
with self.lock:
link = self.cache_get(item)
if link is not None:
self.hits += 1
return True
self.misses += 1
return False
def __getitem__(self, item: _K) -> _V:
with self.lock:
link = self.cache_get(item)
if link is not None:
# Move the link to the front of the circular queue
link_prev, link_next, _key, result = link
link_prev[LRUCache.NEXT] = link_next
link_next[LRUCache.PREV] = link_prev
last = self.root[LRUCache.PREV]
last[LRUCache.NEXT] = self.root[LRUCache.PREV] = link
link[LRUCache.PREV] = last
link[LRUCache.NEXT] = self.root
return result
def __setitem__(self, key: _K, value: _V):
with self.lock:
if key in self.cache:
# Getting here means that this same key was added to the
# cache while the lock was released. Since the link
# update is already done, we need only return the
# computed result and update the count of misses.
elif self.full:
# Use the old root to store the new key and result.
oldroot = self.root
oldroot[LRUCache.KEY] = key
oldroot[LRUCache.RESULT] = value
# Empty the oldest link and make it the new root.
# Keep a reference to the old key and old result to
# prevent their ref counts from going to zero during the
# update. That will prevent potentially arbitrary object
# clean-up code (i.e. __del__) from running while we're
# still adjusting the links.
self.root = oldroot[LRUCache.NEXT]
oldkey = self.root[LRUCache.KEY]
_oldresult = self.root[LRUCache.RESULT] # noqa: F841
self.root[LRUCache.KEY] = self.root[LRUCache.RESULT] = None
# Now update the cache dictionary.
del self.cache[oldkey]
# Save the potentially reentrant cache[key] assignment
# for last, after the root and links have been put in
# a consistent state.
self.cache[key] = oldroot
# Put result in a new link at the front of the queue.
last = self.root[LRUCache.PREV]
link = [last, self.root, key, value]
last[LRUCache.NEXT] = self.root[LRUCache.PREV] = self.cache[key] = link
# Use the cache_len bound method instead of the len() function
# which could potentially be wrapped in an lru_cache itself.
if self.maxsize is not None:
self.full = (self.cache_len() >= self.maxsize)
[docs] def cache_info(self):
"""Report cache statistics"""
with self.lock:
from collections import namedtuple
return namedtuple("CacheInfo", ["hits", "misses", "maxsize", "currsize"])(
self.hits, self.misses, self.maxsize, self.cache_len())
[docs] def cache_clear(self):
"""Clear the cache and cache statistics"""
with self.lock:
self.root[:] = [self.root, self.root, None, None]
self.hits = self.misses = 0
self.full = False