The OWL-APy Model class and method names should match those of OWL API [1]
If OWL API has streaming and getter API, it is enough to provide the streaming API only.
many help texts copied from OWL API
[1] https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi
Represents an ontology change where an import statement is added to an ontology. |
An interface to objects that have a cardinality. |
An interface to objects that have a filler. |
Interface for types with an index; this is used to group objects by type when sorting. |
An interface to objects that have a collection of operands. |
An IRI, consisting of a namespace and a remainder |
Annotations are used in the various types of annotation axioms, which bind annotations to their subjects (i.e. |
Represents AnnotationAssertion axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
A super interface for annotation axioms. |
A marker interface for the values (objects) of annotations. |
Represents an AnnotationProperty in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents an AnnotationPropertyDomain axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
Represents an AnnotationPropertyRange axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
A marker interface for annotation subjects, which can either be IRIs or anonymous individuals |
A marker interface for annotation values, which can either be an IRI (URI), Literal or Anonymous Individual. |
A Class Expression which is not a named Class |
Represents AsymmetricObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents Axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
. |
An OWL 2 named Class |
Represents ClassAssertion axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
The base interface for class axioms. |
An OWL 2 Class Expression |
Represents DataAllValuesFrom class expressions in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents Data Property Cardinality Restrictions in the OWL 2 specification |
Represents DataComplementOf in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DataExactCardinality restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DataHasValue restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DataIntersectionOf in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DataMaxCardinality restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DataMinCardinality restrictions in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DataOneOf in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a Data Property in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an DataPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
The base interface for data property axioms. |
Represents a DataPropertyDomain axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
A high level interface to describe different types of data properties. |
Represents a DataPropertyRange axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DataRange in the OWL 2 Specification |
Represents a Data Property Restriction in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents a DataSomeValuesFrom restriction in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DataUnionOf data range in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a Datatype (named data range) in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DatatypeDefinition axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DatatypeRestriction data range in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a Declaration axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DifferentIndividuals axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DisjointClasses axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DisjointDataProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents DisjointObjectProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a DisjointUnion axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents Entities in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an EquivalentClasses axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents EquivalentDataProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents EquivalentObjectProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
A facet restriction is used to restrict a particular datatype. |
Represents FunctionalDataProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents FunctionalObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents a HasKey axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
OWLHasValueRestriction. |
Represents an import statement in an ontology. |
Represents a named or anonymous individual. |
The base interface for individual axioms. |
Represents InverseFunctionalObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents InverseObjectProperties axioms in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents IrreflexiveObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents a Literal in the OWL 2 Specification. |
A base interface of all axioms that affect the logical meaning of an ontology. |
Represents a Named Individual in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a named object for example, class, property, ontology etc. |
Represents an axiom that contains two or more operands that could also be represented with multiple pairwise axioms. |
OWLNaryBooleanClassExpression. |
OWLNaryDataRange. |
Represents an NegativeDataPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
Represents a NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
Base interface for OWL objects |
Represents an ObjectAllValuesFrom class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectComplementOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectExactCardinality restriction in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectHasSelf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectHasValue class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an OWLObjectIntersectionOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents the inverse of a property expression (ObjectInverseOf). |
Represents a ObjectMaxCardinality restriction in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a ObjectMinCardinality restriction in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectOneOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an Object Property in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectPropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
The base interface for object property axioms. |
Represents a ObjectPropertyDomain axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a ObjectPropertyRange axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a Object Property Restriction in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents an ObjectSomeValuesFrom class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an ObjectUnionOf class expression in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an OWL 2 Ontology in the OWL 2 specification. |
An object that identifies an ontology. |
An OWLOntologyManager manages a set of ontologies. |
A marker interface for properties that aren’t expression i.e. named properties. |
Represents a PropertyAssertion axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
The base interface for property axioms. |
Represents ObjectPropertyDomain axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents a property or possibly the inverse of a property. |
OWL Objects that can be the ranges of properties |
Represents ObjectPropertyRange axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
A quantified data restriction. |
A quantified object restriction. |
A quantified restriction. |
An OWLReasoner reasons over a set of axioms (the set of reasoner axioms) that is based on the imports closure of a particular ontology - the “root” ontology. |
Represents ReflexiveObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents a Object Property Restriction or Data Property Restriction in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents a SameIndividual axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents an SubAnnotationPropertyOf axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
Represents an SubClassOf axiom in the OWL 2 Specification. |
Represents a SubDataPropertyOf axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
Represents a SubObjectPropertyOf axiom in the OWL 2 specification |
Represents SymmetricObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Represents TransitiveObjectProperty axioms in the OWL 2 specification. |
Module attributes
¶ alias of TypeVar(‘_T’)
¶ alias of TypeVar(‘_P’, bound=
¶ alias of TypeVar(‘_R’, bound=
¶ alias of
¶ alias of TypeVar(‘_F’, bound=
¶ alias of TypeVar(‘_M’, bound=
: Final = OWLClass(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#','Thing'))¶ The OWL Class corresponding to owl:Thing
: Final = OWLClass(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#','Nothing'))¶ The OWL Class corresponding to owl:Nothing
: Final = OWLObjectProperty(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#','topObjectProperty'))¶ the built in top object property
: Final = OWLObjectProperty(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#','bottomObjectProperty'))¶ the built in bottom object property
: Final = OWLDataProperty(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#','topDataProperty'))¶ the built in top data property
: Final = OWLDataProperty(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#','bottomDataProperty'))¶ the built in bottom data property
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','double'))¶ An object representing a double datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','integer'))¶ An object representing an integer datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','boolean'))¶ An object representing the boolean datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','string'))¶ An object representing the string datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','date'))¶ An object representing the date datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','dateTime'))¶ An object representing the dateTime datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#','duration'))¶ An object representing the duration datatype.
: Final = OWLDatatype(IRI('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#','Literal'))¶ The OWL Datatype corresponding to the top data type