(manager: owlapy.owlready2.OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2, ontology_iri: owlapy.model.IRI, load: bool)¶ Bases:
Gets the classes in the signature of this object.
Get the data properties that are in the signature of this object.
Gets the OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
Gets the OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
Gets the OWLOntologyID belonging to this object.
Gets the manager that manages this ontology
A convenience method that obtains the individuals that are in the signature of this object.
A convenience method that obtains the object properties that are in the signature of this object.
Gets the OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
Gets the OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
() → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLClass][source]¶ Gets the classes in the signature of this object.
- Returns:
Classes in the signature of this object
() → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLDataProperty][source]¶ Get the data properties that are in the signature of this object.
- Returns:
Data properties that are in the signature of this object
(pe: owlapy.model.OWLDataProperty) → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom][source]¶ Gets the OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
- Parameters:
property – The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms.
- Returns:
the axioms matching the search.
(pe: owlapy.model.OWLDataProperty) → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom][source]¶ Gets the OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
- Parameters:
property – The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms.
- Returns:
the axioms matching the search.
() → owlapy.model.OWLOntologyID[source]¶ Gets the OWLOntologyID belonging to this object.
- Returns:
The OWLOntologyID
() → owlapy.owlready2.OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2[source]¶ Gets the manager that manages this ontology
() → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLNamedIndividual][source]¶ A convenience method that obtains the individuals that are in the signature of this object.
- Returns:
Individuals that are in the signature of this object.
() → bool¶
() → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLObjectProperty][source]¶ A convenience method that obtains the object properties that are in the signature of this object.
- Returns:
Object properties that are in the signature of this object
(pe: owlapy.model.OWLObjectProperty) → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom][source]¶ Gets the OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
- Parameters:
property – The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms.
- Returns:
the axioms matching the search.
(pe: owlapy.model.OWLObjectProperty) → Iterable[owlapy.model.OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom][source]¶ Gets the OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom objects where the property is equal to the specified property.
- Parameters:
property – The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms.
- Returns:
the axioms matching the search.
: Final = 1¶