import weakref
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Final, Union, overload
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
from owlapy import namespaces
from owlapy.model._base import OWLAnnotationSubject, OWLAnnotationValue
from owlapy.namespaces import Namespaces
class HasIRI(metaclass=ABCMeta):
__slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_iri(self) -> 'IRI':
"""Gets the IRI of this object.
The IRI of this object
class _WeakCached(type):
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(cls, what, bases, dct):
super().__init__(what, bases, dct)
cls._cache = WeakKeyDictionary()
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
_temp = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
ret = cls._cache.get(_temp)
if ret is None:
cls._cache[_temp] = weakref.ref(_temp)
return _temp
return ret()
class _meta_IRI(ABCMeta, _WeakCached):
__slots__ = ()
class IRI(OWLAnnotationSubject, OWLAnnotationValue, metaclass=_meta_IRI):
"""An IRI, consisting of a namespace and a remainder"""
__slots__ = '_namespace', '_remainder', '__weakref__'
type_index: Final = 0
_namespace: str
_remainder: str
def __init__(self, namespace: Union[str, Namespaces], remainder: str):
if isinstance(namespace, Namespaces):
namespace = namespace.ns
assert namespace[-1] in ("/", ":", "#")
import sys
self._namespace = sys.intern(namespace)
self._remainder = remainder
def create(namespace: Namespaces, remainder: str) -> 'IRI':
def create(namespace: str, remainder: str) -> 'IRI':
"""Creates an IRI by concatenating two strings. The full IRI is an IRI that contains the characters in
namespace + remainder.
namespace: The first string
remainder: The second string
An IRI whose characters consist of prefix + suffix.
def create(string: str) -> 'IRI':
"""Creates an IRI from the specified String.
string: The String that specifies the IRI
The IRI that has the specified string representation.
[docs] @staticmethod
def create(string, remainder=None) -> 'IRI':
if remainder is not None:
return IRI(string, remainder)
index = 1 + max(string.rfind("/"), string.rfind(":"), string.rfind("#"))
return IRI(string[0:index], string[index:])
def __repr__(self):
return f"IRI({repr(self._namespace)},{repr(self._remainder)})"
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) is type(self):
return self._namespace is other._namespace and self._remainder == other._remainder
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._namespace, self._remainder))
[docs] def is_nothing(self):
"""Determines if this IRI is equal to the IRI that owl:Nothing is named with.
:True if this IRI is equal to <> and otherwise False
from owlapy.vocab import OWLRDFVocabulary
return self == OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_NOTHING.get_iri()
[docs] def is_thing(self):
"""Determines if this IRI is equal to the IRI that owl:Thing is named with.
:True if this IRI is equal to <> and otherwise False
from owlapy.vocab import OWLRDFVocabulary
return self == OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_THING.get_iri()
[docs] def is_reserved_vocabulary(self) -> bool:
"""Determines if this IRI is in the reserved vocabulary. An IRI is in the reserved vocabulary if it starts with
<> or <> or
<> or <>
True if the IRI is in the reserved vocabulary, otherwise False.
return (self._namespace == namespaces.OWL or self._namespace == namespaces.RDF
or self._namespace == namespaces.RDFS or self._namespace == namespaces.XSD)
[docs] def as_iri(self) -> 'IRI':
# documented in parent
return self
[docs] def as_str(self) -> str:
the string that specifies the IRI
return self._namespace + self._remainder
[docs] def get_namespace(self) -> str:
the namespace as string
return self._namespace
[docs] def get_remainder(self) -> str:
the remainder (coincident with NCName usually) for this IRI.
return self._remainder